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Comments (3)

Patience - 29 October 18:22

Nous avons le plus chic putes avec le real annonces.

Nickole - 1 January 18:40

Sur notre ressource seulement jeune femmes: elegant et bellissima beautés, sensible juteux putes et dépravé prostituées.

Benedick - 20 March 23:41

She's hot and sexy she should try to make a video of her dancing with high heels

Kathy - 16 February 10:31

One of the most beautiful and perfect woman I ever have seen kisses

Coull - 17 November 13:19

Is there a common feeling that people get when they're attracted to someone, sometimes for seemingly no particular reason? Like the air is being squished out and there's butterflies and what not? My friend and I call it the thing and we haven't found any guys to have it. is the thing a thing?

Medak - 29 September 15:26

Maybe this would be more difficult for you to do, but could you talk about biphobia and transphobia within the LGBT community? Its a huge issue that rarely gets addressed. I've had a lot of people who identify as homosexual tell me my sexual orientation (bisexual doesn't exist and it never gets the attention from the community as a whole. Would be really helpful to spread awareness that this is a thing that happens.
