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Comments (2)

Rupert - 7 June 12:53

Interessant et appetissant, modele apparence. Je vais rendre le reste inoubliable incluant le plus gros hommes.

Hershberg - 8 September 23:23

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Hafen - 7 August 20:28

How many people here would be enthusiastic about starting a long-term romantic relationship with someone who has been sleeping with a FWB two or three times a week for the past year? Once you started dating them, would you care if they still had a FWB? Would you trust your new main squeeze to not sleep with their former FWB? Is it wrong to even care about shit like this?

Melodie - 24 June 10:55

great creampie . more pls

Roosevelt - 22 January 14:48

Finally, would you say there is a place for sex without protection? For medical reasons, I'm incapable of getting pregnant. If my boyfriend and I have never had any other partners, wouldn't it be mostly safe for us to do things without protection? (As a sidenote, this isn't someone who has already done things without condoms asking if it'd be okay for her to do things without condoms, looking for validation. This is someone hoping to be able to take condoms out of the picture safely for future sex).
