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Comments (8)

Lavanchy - 11 September 05:43

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Ailes - 20 December 18:51

It's interesting that women seem to be objectified in these classes and when I went through them I was given incorrect information or was scared into not having sex.

Elias - 7 March 09:46

Pity it wasn't as it was billed. It was not a redhead. There is a massive difference between the nether regions of a redhead as compared with any other woman. I would crawl a mile over broken glass to enjoy the intimacy and pungency of a naked, horny readhead.

Lloyd - 8 June 15:12

Nice ejaculation. No wonder though since you are looking at some nice juggs.

Bethel - 25 August 15:24

Love the channel but i just have to say that i was taught this when i was 5 years old. I mean, how do people get to living 12, 15 or 18 years without knowing this stuff?

Wartenberg - 16 November 09:22

Schoner Home-Fick
