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Comments (9)

Hefler - 7 June 09:27

Coince mes images, hesites, craignons. Ici ne pas oublier penser, besoin aujourd’hui rencontrer et passer un moment inoubliable, plaisir toi garantis!

Steffanie - 15 November 16:45

Un navire ravitailleur souvent appelé ravitailleur est un type de navire cargo servant à ravitailler un autre navire, une plate-forme pétrolière ou une base navale, en carburant principalement, mais aussi en vivres ou autres fournitures. Avec l'accentuation des normes antipollution, il repart de plus en plus souvent en évacuant les déchets.

Preston - 26 December 11:58

I'm a straight male but am in touch with my feminine side. Many people that meet me think I'm gay or bisexual because they have a need to give me a label. I finally learned to just tell them, I'm just not like anyone you'll ever meet again. That shuts them up.

Merle - 15 July 23:03

Very clinical but I suggest growing a set and then your not another female going off(no pun intended about a man anything.

Bretl - 12 July 19:33

Lol this was all good until those two talked about nasty dick cheese

Gandolfo - 29 December 04:01

AHHHH I geeked out so much when you quoted Judith Butler! :D :D

Shakita - 11 June 04:28

I have XO chromosomes, also known as Turner Syndrome and often find it fascinating what goes into determining your gender when your sex doesn't fall into the normal binary.

Hauswald - 13 July 18:04

Anyone want to see my dick
