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Comments (6)

Hanold - 25 January 10:57

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Buchs - 27 June 14:08

Seules les prostituées ayant fait l'objet d'une vérification. Asiatique, ukrainien.

Jonathon - 3 September 04:50

Suck my cack

Shelby - 5 May 08:04

Well, it's ok then. I said I'll agree to disagree with you because I thought we were going nowhere. Maybe you're concerned about younger viewers, I'm not that young nor old (since I'm 20), but I guess she is talking to a certain population and not so younger viewers, at least that is what I think.

Hauptman - 16 September 23:15

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Alexander - 20 May 15:05

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Lannigan - 11 May 06:24

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Knickman - 9 July 11:27

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