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Comments (10)

Tamra - 17 August 12:46

Arrete mes images, doute, craignons. Ici ne pas oublier penser, besoin simplement rencontre et de passer du temps ensemble, et de tendresse et d’affection toi nomination.

Marketta - 23 July 23:40

Aller vers.

Primm - 16 March 20:41

Cocky bitch, eh? Hope Mike knocks her up again not too long after delivery and then maybe a year after that before leaving her and her ravidged body.

Marguerita - 16 May 14:19

Love to take a sniff

Turso - 12 March 02:30

OMG....This is a dream...... Delicious!!!

Amaya - 20 July 07:29

I don't understand how to answer these questions as a trans person. I didn't always identify as male so should I say that dating men was the other sex? or Same sex because you could argue I was also male and just didn't know it? lol SO CONFUSING.

Ronna - 5 December 19:34

Dr. Doe, I'm afraid I had to dislike this video. Usually your video's are amazingly informative, but this one seemed to be aimed at condemning alcohol in every way possible. The positive points are all about 1-5 drinks, and a lot of people won't drink more than that on one night.

Kira. Age: 26
Gioconda. Age: 27
Nile. Age: 21
