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Comments (8)

Eugena - 27 July 11:49

Coince sur images, hesites, craignons. Ici ne pas oublier penser, conseiller simplement rencontre et profiter de l’ambiance, et de tendresse et d’affection toi nomination.

Idalia - 18 September 13:31

Cédric Carrasso, ex-joueur international devenu consultant, nous a ouvert sa loge à Diochon. Le FCR s'incline.

Shells - 27 December 12:38

breast size doesn't affect the ability to lactate.

Kolker - 8 February 08:11

give it some

Zachary - 12 January 14:32

I would really like to see a sexplanations episode on sex.and disability. As a disabled person, this is a subject quite important to me.

Admin - 3 March 17:39

I have a question. I am about to turn 16 and my girlfriend is just turned 16 too. Is it ok for us to have sex ? I mean im a virgin so its not like im going to get her pregnant anytime soon because you know. but what do you think about underage sex ? i have known her for 5 years so i know she has no HIVs or anything and i wont regret it and all. thanks :)
