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Comments (8)

Koizumi - 21 April 19:01

Reve baise-toi dans lits, moi ici triste sans toi!

Kriss - 12 October 20:53

Vous recevrez de tels services sexuels: Sex classique, Fisting. Consultez la section horaire pour les appels.

Audria - 13 July 02:33

I know that it was intended to be light hearted, but I worry that the Wield your wiener line on drunk sex was extremely misleading and one sided. I feel like it propagates the misconception that males are the only ones really responsible for sex acts done in inebriation.

Devin - 2 November 10:16

Wow she's cute. I would suck him to completion and eat his load for a turn with her. Jeff
